In Halle, there is an accommodation (FlüchtlingsFrauenHaus) for women and their children who experienced violence or those with specific protection needs. Admission requires a residence permit or Duldung (suspension of deportation). This place provides shelter from assaults as well as assistance in building an autonomous life, in case of personal crisis intervention and coping with everyday life.
If you wish anonymous support, you can also contact the “help line”(“Hilfetelefon”). Women provide counseling for women in 15 languages.
Category: Consultation and support for particular life situations
Problems due to Sexual Identity
In Germany, you have the right to freely decide about your body. If you are discriminated against due to your sexual identity, you can approach the social workers on site. Anonymous support is provided in Halle at the counseling center Begegnungs- und Beratungszentrum “lebensart” e.V. (BBZ) and in Magdeburg at CSD Magdeburg e.V. or at the lesbian and gay association (Lesben- und Schwulenverband Sachsen-Anhalt – LSVD). At these places, you will receive further information about bisexuality, homosexuality, trans- and interidentity (LSBTI*). The psychotherapeutic service (Psychotherapeutischer Dienst) provides relief in case of emotionally demanding problems.
Support in Case of Xenophobic Assaults
If you have experienced a racially motivated outrage or if you feel threatened by right-wing extremist violence, immediately contact a victim consultation center (Opferberatungsstelle). Employees will be there for you and will support your causes. They will accompany you to the police, to the doctor or to a lawyer. Anyway, be aware that: You have the right to make perpetrators accountable!