Allow sufficient time and tranquility for your asylum procedure. Take advantage of the local counseling centers with their services as well as corresponding information material (flyers, videos and others). In this way, you can prepare yourself for your hearing.
Allow sufficient time for learning German. In your facility, there is usually the possibility to learn the German language. Take advantage of existing offers or find out about possibilities of independent learning by asking the social workers.
Please also note first orientation services such as the multi-lingual orientation course for refugees. Outside of the initial reception center (for example, in the municipal community college), you also have the possibility to attend German courses or courses on daily routine. Thus, you can make yourself familiar with life in Germany.
Attention: Please ask beforehand if these courses are charged.
For children, fleeing is worse than for parents. Therefore, provide your children with the opportunities to play together. In all initial reception centers, there are offers for the leisure time of your children. Encourage your children to participate.
Please note: As legal guardian you are principally responsible for the welfare and actions of your children. That means, in the initial reception center you should always know where your child is. Watch it yourself wherever possible or inform other legal guardians where they can reach you. Your child, too, should always know where you are.
Take part in job opportunities or charitable work (translation, support at events, cleaning work, repairs and other work). You can thus gain first experiences with the German labor market. In addition, you can thus actively shape your immediate living environment and improve your pocket money.