It is important to study the German language as quickly as possible. Only thus you are able to participate in German social life and find a good job. In order to support that, all immigrants, among them recognized refugees with residence permit, can attend integration courses of the Federation. These courses cover 600 hours language course and 300 hours orientation course. During the orientation course, regulations, rights and duties as well as practical knowledge about life in Germany are taught.
Asylum seekers from the countries Syria, Eritrea, Iran, Iraq, Somalia can attend an integration course while the asylum procedure is pending (as of 10/2016). To do so, they have to direct an application to BAMF. Please ask your social worker or consultant about it.
There are also plenty introductory offers: basic courses, language cafés, language mentoring or voluntary offers of associations. Your social worker will also inform you about on-site possibilities of language training. Language courses might be combined with job hunting and qualification. Therefore, also address the job center or the employment agency (Arbeitsagentur).
Please note: Missing or insufficient language skills are often the main obstacle to labor market integration. Therefore, take advantage of all possibilities to study German as quickly and intensively as possible.