
In your federal state reception center you receive statutory aids and an initial fitting-out.

You receive as non-cash benefits:
• vouchers for breakfast, lunch and dinner
• bed linen and dishware
• clothes and hygiene products

Besides, you receive pocket money for your individual demand. It is paid cash and it is calculated for one person of legal age (18 years). Only one member of a family receives the full sums. Other family members receive reduced sums.

Hygiene products are part of the initial fitting-out. After having received pocket money, you will have to buy them yourself. You will receive vouchers for clothes from the social welfare office, which allow you to do shopping in the city. Urgent supply of clothing is secured by means of a clothing store.

Health Care

In case of acute illness, please go to the medical supply point (MediCare) of your facility.

There, you will always find a doctor during the day. If it is not possible to treat your condition in the LAE, this doctor may prescribe further treatment with another doctor. For that, he issues a letter of referral (Überweisungsschein).
In case of non-acute diseases, you always need a treatment certificate (Behandlungsschein). You must apply for this certificate and pick it up at the social welfare office before the doctor’s visit.

If certain experiences depress you, if you sleep badly or if your body reacts unaccostumedly, you might suffer a trauma. Support (as far as existing in the LAE is provided by the Psychosocial Office (Psychosozialer Dienst) and the Psychosocial Centers (Psychosoziale Zentren) of the Federal State in Halle and Magdeburg. If necessary, make an appointment there.

If you need support regarding HIV (or other sexually transmitted diseases), please contact the HIV-supports (AIDS-Hilfen) in Halberstadt, Halle or Magdeburg. These will advise you anonymously and will name specific contact points.