Welcome to Saxony-Anhalt! You have reached a federal state reception center and you are at the beginning of the asylum procedure. Saxony-Anhalt is an open-minded federal state. We aim at receiving you as refugee at best and offering guidance and integration services at an early stage. Beyond that, many people provide assistance during their leisure time.
On the following pages we have compiled important information concerning the first phase of your residence in order to facilitate guidance in the reception center and to assisst you during the asylum procedure (as of 10/2016).
Employees as well as volunteers espouse with high commitment best possible and humane living conditions. Due to the huge number of daily arriving asy- lum seekers, processes might be delayed or temporarily faulty. Thank you for your understanding and patience.
Nevertheless, processes keep taking longer than expected. Try to keep patience in such cases. Adapt yourself to the fact that the whole integration process is time-consuming and might also include setbacks. Do not get discouraged.
In your LAE you can contribute to a successful cooperation of people of different nationalities and cultural backgrounds. This might not always be easy, however, experience has shown: Many problems can be solved with respect and mutual consideration. We hope that this info guide answers your important questions and introduces to you contact points, which will provide further guidance.
We wish you the very best for your path and future.