Integration into labor

As recognized refugee you are allowed to work in Germany, because you obtain an unrestricted employment permit. If your asylum procedure is still pending or if you are suspended from deportation (Duldung), employment permit can be granted at the earliest after three months residency. You can apply for the employment permit at the foreigners’ registration office. The Federal Employment Agency conducts an examination. It agrees if the position meets the minimum legal requirements.

As long as you are obliged to stay in a LAE, you are not allowed to take up employment.

Saxony-Anhalt aims at speedy competence assessment and integration into labor. Many partners collaborate in labor market counseling. Counseling is provided by migrant consultants at the Federal Employment Agency (BA), at job centers, at Chambers of Crafts and Chambers of Industry and Commerce. Many associations as well assist by counseling, e.g. the regional initiative “Professional in Focus” (“Fachkraft im Fokus”), project network Job Bridge PLUS (Jobbrücke PLUS), Network IQ and the regional network of migrant organizations (LAMSA e.V.). Ask your guardian or consultant responsible specifically about the possibilities of labor market integration that come into consideration for you.

Please note: Missing or insufficient language skills are often the main obstacle to labor market integration. Therefore, take advantage of all possibilities to study German as quickly and intensively as possible.